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Door fan test
To be used in determining the integrity of the rooms and the volumes in respect to maintaining the concentration of the extinguishing substance for the relevant period.

It includes details about tests and must be used together with Part 1 of the present regulation.

Disposal: Gielle and "Clean Agents"
HALONS have for a long time been recognized as being highly polluting. Within the initiatives aimed at protecting the enviroment, the Ministeries have issued a regulation to ban their use. 

GIELLE is able to take care of the halon disposal within the enviromental regulations and procedures, besides execute gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer w/cryogenic tests. 



Servicing & maintenance
As part of its commitment to providing customers with a total fire safety package, GIELLE Fire Engineering offers a range of professionally managed and executed servicing and maintenance packages. 

These are available to cover all of the systems installed by GIELLE including FM-200, CO2 and Argonite as well as Ansul R-102 kitchen fire suppression, Halon 1301 and 1211. 

Training courses
In conformity with the law, we at Gielle conduct personnel training courses in fire prevention and protection.

Including the handling of emergencies in case of danger, so as to reduce the possible risks that these situations can cause. 

Fire safety planning for industrial occupancies
This guideline is intended to assist owners and managers of industrial operations to develop and implement effective Fire Safety Plans for their businesses. 

The guideline also provides guidance for owners on how to comply with the various aspects of the USA Fire Code that apply to their property.


| fire protection enclosure testing | integrity enclosure testing | total flooding clean agent enclosure |
| enclosure integrity testing | fire enclosure integrity testing | fire risk assessment |


Contact Us
Blower Door Systems
Gielle Srl - Administrative Headsquares 
Via R. Ferri 32 Z.I. - 70022 Altamura (Ba) Italy
Tel +39 0803118998 - Fax + 39 0803101309
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